Never one to forgo a pop-culture band wagon or the chance to voice my opinion, I was surprisingly reluctant to pull up my soap-box. The ‘blog boom’ seemed to occur at a time when I was attempting to reign in my ego, and something about mouthing off weekly and expecting others to wallow in it didn’t mesh with the work I was doing on myself at the time.
To some, the blog boom is a reflection of a narcissistic cultural climate, the one Andy Warhol predicted and technology assisted.
I say it’s symbolic of the inevitable next stage in our social evolution.
We are the first Anglo-generation who are not only unafraid of our emotions but willing to parade our emotive opinions for all to witness.
It is no coincidence that this era spawned the ‘emoticon’ ;)
Summarizing your weekly life in paragraph is more than just ego-perpetuation, rather it is the sharing of internal truths, thinly veiled as criticism or social comment.
In a world where self-expression is often ironed out by socialization, the dawn of the cyber-self has validated the opinion of the everyman.
Perez, The Sartorialist, The Fug Girls all saw what their heroes where doing and said ‘I can do that too’.
In Australia, this is especially important as each generation becomes less and less aware of the once pertinent national inferiority complex. Some of the most talented artists and creatives work here in isolation and are now starting to see that their ideas, their work is as valid anything to come from ‘London-Paris-New York’.
We all want to know ourselves and to be known, and though some may argue technology has robbed us of the communication we once shared over the back fence, another would suggest the fence is now built with HTML code and the neighbourhood is large as satellite transmission will permit.
I stopped worrying whether my opinion was necessary and realised that there mere fact that I had one was enough. Here, with open arms, is my offering to the 'world according to blog'. I hope to make it committed, cultivated and candid